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F10-N31花岗石抛光剂 F10-N31花岗石抛光剂,美国进口,中国总代。来电免费索取样品,比同类进口产品低25%! 全国统一售价: F10石材护理系统 自然与科学的完美结合,石材护理新概念。 源于意大利的精细研磨科技,瞬间提高石材纹理,掩盖毛孔与瑕疵,透视光线的镜面功能,焕发石材自然光泽。 F10-N31花岗石抛光剂:引领欧美石材精端科技,富含多种硬化质子,通过物化反应重新晶格化,形成通透坚硬的结晶层,不仅不会对石材造成伤害,反而可以给石材加倍的保护,增强石材抗磨能力,使石材绽放纯洁光彩。 适用范围: 用于花岗石结晶、人造岗石结晶、微晶石结晶、通体砖结晶养护。 本品特点: 本品绿色环保,使用简单,效果显著。具有结晶速度快、表面硬度强、镜面光泽度高、防滑、防水、防污等特点。 使用说明: 1、若石材表面严重受损,应先研磨抛光处理,待地面干透后再做结晶。 2、将0#或1#钢丝棉放置在重量为45—75kg,转速为165—175的结晶专用盘下。 3、在1—1.5平方米喷洒上适量药剂(每加仑工作面积为180平方米---300平方米),先左右后上下的移动机器,研磨至晶莹透亮。 4、重复以上操作2—3次,能够得到更好的结晶镜面效果。 5、结晶处理后用新的0#钢丝棉进行抛光(去除表面残留物),以达到佳的整体效果。 6、后用干尘推将地表清理干净。 警告: 避免接触皮肤和眼睛,吞食有害。 禁止服用,放于儿童接触不到的阴凉处。 产品名称:F10花岗石抛光剂 产品型号: N31 净含量:1升4升10升 保质期:2年 原材料:意大利 销售商:北京爱福石材养护有限公司 地址:北京市昌平区回龙观上北鑫座1号543 咨询热线:010-56451568 技术咨询13641154304 传真:01056455901 企业官网:www.aifu10.com 阿里:www.aifu10.cn 推广平台:www.stoneclear.cn 慧聪网:www.aifu10.net F10-N31 Granite Polishing Agent Application: It is applicable for crystallizing and curing of granite and artificial stone. Features: This product is environment-frily and easy to use with remarkable effect. It is featured as fast crystallization, high surface hardness, high specular gloss, anti-skidding, waterproof, and anti-fouling, etc. Instructions: 1. In event that the stone surface is severely damaged, it must be firstly ground and polished, and then conducted crystallization after it is completely dry. 2. Place 0# and 1# steel wool under the dish special for crystallization with weight of 45-75 kg and rotating speed of 165-175 PRM. 3. Spray the agent of proper amount on the work area of 1 ~ 1.5 m2 (per gallon for work area of 180 -300 m2), and move the machine right and left and then up and down, until it is ground brilliantly. 5. Repeat the above procedures for 2-3 times, the better mirror effect can be obtained. 5. Polish it with new 0 # steel wool (remove residues on surface) after crystallization, so as to achieve the best overall effect. 6. Finally, clean the surface with a dry dust broom. Warning: Avoid contact with skin and eyes; it is harmful to swallow it. It is forbidden to ingest it; Keep in the shade out of the reach of children. Product name: F10 Granite Polishing Agent Product model: N31 Net content: 1L, 4 L and 10 L Shelf life: 2 years Production date: Qualified Raw materials: Italy Seller: Beijing Aifu Stone Maintenance Co., Ltd. Address: Room 543, No. 1 Shangbeixin Block, Huilongguan, Changping District, Beijing Hotline: 010-56451568 Fax: 01056455901 Enterprise website: www.aifu10.com; website for trading: www.aifu10.cn Registered Trade Mark