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F10大理石结晶粉(白粉),意大利进口,中国总代。来电免费索取0.5公斤样品,比同类进口产品低25%! 全国统一售价:白粉55元/公斤 F10石材护理系统 自然与科学的完美结合,石材护理新概念。 源于意大利的精细研磨科技,蕴含高强细致的研磨粒子。瞬间提高石材纹理,掩盖毛孔与瑕疵,透视光线的镜面功能,焕发石材自然光泽。 F10大理石结晶粉:引领北欧石材科技,富含多种硬化质子,不仅不会对石材造成伤害,反而可以给石材加倍的保护,增强石材抗磨能力,使石材绽放纯洁光彩。 F10大理石结晶粉(大理石晶硬粉、大理石抛光粉) 适用范围: 本产品适用于各种天然大理石翻新、人造石翻新、水磨石翻新后的石材结晶处理,大理石日常石材结晶养护处理,石材加工抛光处理,大理石清洁专用材料。 本品特点: F10大理石结晶粉为中性环保,不烧石材,出光快,光度高。使用后可增加石材表面光度、硬度,增强石材抗污、抗磨能力。并且不改变石材颜色,不影响石材透气,长时间使用可保护石材不受损坏。 本品应用优缺点: 优点:F10大理石结晶粉为施工工艺简单,无太高技术要求,新人同样施工,结晶时只会提高光度不会降低光度(不同与结晶剂,施工技术不达标会降低石材光度,同时会损伤石材)。 缺点:施工必须做好成品保护及施工区域围档,施工不灵活,适用于大面积施工或无其它作业施工。 使用说明: 1、将适量F10大理石结晶粉为粉置于石材表面,倒入2-3倍水调和。 2、用量20g/m2,每次操作3~5m2,用时1~2分钟/m2。 3、将红色百洁垫置于结晶设备下方,移动设备至调和好的结晶粉上面。 4、先左右后上下的顺序移动晶面机进行研磨,直到地表光亮。 5、石材表面出现结晶,用水刮将剩余的物体移至下一个需要工作的区域并加入新的F10大理石结晶粉,继续研磨,重复此操作至地面出现大量的泡沫然后用吸水机吸尽。 6、加入新的F10大理石结晶粉重复以上操作得到更加完美的效果。 7、当整个结晶操作完成之后,用清水冲洗并吸干。 警告: 避免F10大理石结晶粉接触皮肤和眼睛,吞食有害。 禁止服用,放于儿童接触不到的阴凉处。 净含量:1KG 5KG20KG 保质期:3年生产日期:合格 产品颜色:黄色/色白/黑色 原材料:意大利 销售商:北京爱福石材养护有限公司 地址:北京市昌平区回龙观上北鑫座1号543 咨询热线:010-56451568 技术咨询13641154304 传真:01056455901 企业官网:www.aifu10.com 阿里:www.aifu10.cn 推广平台:www.stoneclear.cn 慧聪网:www.aifu10.net F10Marble Crystallizing Powder (Crystal-Hardening Powder, Polishing Powder) Application: This product is applicable for refurbishment or routine crystallizing and curing of various natural marble, artificial stone and terrazzo. Features: This product is featured as neutral, environment-frily, rapid brightening and high luminosity. It can increase surface luminosity and hardness, enhance anti-fouling and wear resistance of the stone material after application. It doesn't change color and affect permeability of stone material; so the stone material can be protected from being damaged if it is used for a long time. Instructions: 1. Apply the crystal powder of moderate amount on the surface of stone material, and bl it with 2-3 times of water. 2. Apply 20 g/m2 for work area of 3 ~ 5 m2 each time with term of 1 ~ 2 min/m2. 3. Put a red scouring pad under the crystallization equipment, and move the device on the bled crystalline powder. 4. Move the polishing machine right and left and then up and down until the ground is brilliant. 5. After crystallization occurs on the surface of stone material, move the remaining substance to next work area with water blade, add new crystallizing powder and continuously grind, repeat this operation until a lot of foam appears on the ground, and then absorb it with suction machine. 6. Add new crystallizing powder and repeat the above procedures until more perfect effect is obtained. 7. Rinse with clean water and dry after the crystallization operation is completed. Warning: Avoid contact with skin and eyes; it is harmful to swallow it. It is forbidden to ingest it; Keep in the shade out of the reach of children. Net content: 1kg, 5kg and 20kg Shelf life: 3 years Production date: Qualified Product color: yellow, pink, white and black Raw materials: Italy Seller: Beijing Aifu Stone Maintenance Co., Ltd. Address: Room 543, No. 1 Shangbeixin Block, Huilongguan, Changping District, Beijing Hotline: 010-56451568 Fax: 01056455901 Enterprise website: www.aifu10.com; website for trading: www.aifu10.cn Registered Trade Mark 石材结晶施工工艺图片展! 1、石材结晶前 2、放置结晶粉 3、加入3倍水 4、红色垫放置结晶上方 5、安装盘进行结晶 6、结晶后刮桨至下一处 7、加入新的结晶粉 8、再次回入3倍水 9、继续结晶研磨 10、洗完结晶粉后 11、结晶处理后放置白垫进行干抛 12、石材结晶处理后